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Payment Systems

Pupil Asset is the name of the communication and payment system used at our school. It is popular with many parents as it provides an easy and convenient way of receiving information from the school, booking tripsclubs and breakfast club and making payments.


We use it to send out our weekly newsletters and other correspondence and the information is easily available on your mobile devices so no more lost letters!


School meals are ordered and paid for via Feeding Hungry Minds – see our Meals Page.


You can pay for other school items such as trips, residential visits and Breakfast Club. The system will send you a receipt when payments are made.


Paying on-line means that pupils are not responsible for bringing cash into school.


It is essential that you keep us updated on your contact information – both email and mobile phone number.


If you are not already registered or have lost your login details, please contact the school office or email us at wfreer@watertonacademytrust.org and we will help you get started.


The registration process is quick and easy, please click here for instructions.

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