Our school opening hours are 8:50am to 3:10pm; this equates to over 32 hours and 30 minutes of compulsory school time each week.
The School Day
All of our children start and finish school at the same time. As we have over 240 children, lunches are staggered over three sittings. Extra-curricular clubs run to 4:10.
- 8:40am – Doors Open
- 8:50am – School Starts
- 11:45am to 1:00pm – Lunch (3 sittings)
- 3:10pm – School Finishes
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club starts at 7:30am and runs to 8:40am and is accessible via the Y3/4 entrance doors. Parents with children at breakfast club are given a telephone number to ring upon arrival.