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Ofsted and Performance Data

A Rapidly Improving School

We are delighted to share that King’s Meadow Academy has been recognized as a “rapidly improving school” in our recent Ofsted inspection conducted on February 11-12th, 2025. The inspection highlights significant progress since our previous inspection in September 2022, with four out of five key areas now rated as “Good.”

Key Improvements Since 2022

When comparing our current inspection with the previous one in 2022, we have made substantial progress:

  • Leadership and Management: Improved from “Requires Improvement” to “Good”
  • Personal Development: Improved from “Requires Improvement” to “Good”
  • Behaviour and Attitudes: Maintained our “Good” rating
  • Early Years Provision: Maintained our “Good” rating

While our “Quality of Education” still “Requires Improvement,” the inspection report acknowledges that we have “started to make improvements” in this area, with “positive changes” that have been “timely and wide-ranging.”

Our Key Strengths

The inspection highlighted many positive aspects of our school:

  • Strong Community Links: “Staff know pupils and their families very well. Parents and carers appreciate the care and support their children receive. It is a school that welcomes visitors and the wider community warmly.”
  • Positive School Environment: “The school is a calm and nurturing place in which to learn and develop. It is orderly because it ensures that all pupils, including those in Reception, follow the school routines consistently. Pupils are happy and safe.”
  • Excellent Behaviour: “Pupils know the school rules, ‘be ready, respectful and safe’, and they follow them closely.”
  • Reading Focus: “The school prioritises reading. There has been significant training for staff on teaching children to learn to read. This has helped to ensure that the chosen phonics programme is followed consistently.”
  • SEND Support: “Pupils with SEND are identified quickly and supported well. The school works effectively with different agencies so that pupils’ needs are met.”
  • Improved Attendance: “Rates of attendance have improved significantly” through our “positive partnership between the school and parents and carers.”
  • Strong Community Values: “Pupils are proud of the fact that everyone is welcome at their school. The school has developed a strong sense of community.”

Moving Forward

We are continuing our improvement journey with particular focus on:

  • Further embedding our curriculum improvements to ensure they have full impact on pupils’ knowledge in the long term
  • Developing writing skills, including handwriting, grammar, and spelling
  • Building pupils’ resilience and independent learning skills

As a school community, we are thrilled with the recognition of our progress. We could not have achieved this without the tremendous support of our families, staff, pupils, and the wider community. We remain committed to providing the best possible education for all our pupils and will continue to build on these successes.

Thank you for your continued support as we move forward together.


10346711 – King’s Meadow Academ – 146034 – Final PDF (1)

More Information

Read to below to find out more about OFSTED and Parent View. 

What is OFSTED?

What is OFSTED?

Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children’s social care. They inspect and regulate thousands of organisations and individuals providing education, training and care – from childminders to training providers, schools to local authorities.

Parent View

Parent View

Parent View is a fantastic tool for parents to provide feedback to OFSTED about school. Just use the link at the top of the page to register, and then provide your thoughts. Remember, you can always talk to someone at school too!

Find Out More

Find Out More

To find out more about OFSTED, the work they do, and a report for any school, provider or individual in England, use the link at the top of the page.

Follow the link below for a summary of outcome in the KS1 and 2 statutory assessments and phonics screening.

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


To find us on the DFE school performance tables please Click Here


Foundation Stage Profile
Performance Measure


Good Level of Development




Key Stage 1
Performance Measure



Year 1 Phonics Screening



Year 2 Phonics Screening (resit) 84% 87%

Expected Standard in Reading 54% 68%

Expected Standard in Writing 46% 60%

Expected Standard in Maths 54% 71%


Key Stage 2 – Attainment
Performance Measure



Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check



Expected Standard in R, W & M Combined



Expected Standard in Reading



Expected Standard in Writing



Expected Standard in Maths



RWM Combined Score 43%


Greater Depth/High Score in R, W & M Combined



Greater Depth in Reading



Greater Depth in Writing



Greater Depth in Maths



Average Scaled Score in Reading TBC


Average Scaled Score in Maths





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